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The Emotional Toll Caused By The Social & Economic Crisis In Greece


Photojournalist Mehran Khalili is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this social documentary photography.  These images are from his project ‘Standstill‘.   To see Mehran’s projects click on any image.







“Standstill” is a reflection of how Greece feels as a country experiencing a deep economic shock.

Greece is a beautiful and intriguing land, full of light and life. But since 2009 it has been suffering from an unprecedented economic and social crisis, the victim of the harshest austerity programme ever implemented in Europe.

Instead of making images of Greek poverty and decay (like those that have appeared regularly in international media throughout the crisis), this project aims to explore the emotion beneath the events. To look at the shock itself, rather than its consequences. The photos were taken across Greece from 2010 to 2016.






See also:


By Mehran Khalili



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