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New York City Street Photography



Photographer Keith Goldstein is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this street photography.  To see Keith’s journey thru New York City over several years click on any photograph.


Garment District


4:01 PM


Murray Hill






I love to wander. If I cannot travel, my hometown of New York City, is as good as it gets. The only preconceived idea I have when I’m out with my camera, is maybe what neighborhood I am going to. But, I have my camera with me all the time. My go to neighborhood is the one in which I live, and the one in which I work. Every other neighborhood is like candy to me. The people, the places in between are an exploration unknown.

The old Zen saying of “emptying oneself”, is something I abscribe to. I leave the house with an open mind, ready to take in whatever the day and the streets offer me.


The Tenderloin






The Tenderloin


See also:

New York City Street Photography

By Keith Goldstein




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