Photographer Amanda Harman  is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this photo essay.  From ‘Garden Stories’ series.  To see Amanda’s body of work, click on any image.


Lily of the Valley in the potting shed


Agave in the glasshouse


Crops drying in the glasshouse


Flowers arranged in the hall


This series of unintended or ‘accidental’ still lives, made around the gardens and outbuildings of an English country house, seeks to make visible the unseen and often unsung work of the gardeners. I first encountered the gardens as a volunteer, working in the cut flower garden for a year alongside the other gardeners. Later, I was drawn back to the gardens to make pictures of my experiences there.

With its particular sense of place, the historic buildings still in daily use and the connections to the past histories of the garden, there were many hidden stories to bring to light. By uncovering the small signs of the day to day – the tending of plants, their protection from insects, disease and weather; the nurturing of seedlings and tender plants in the glasshouses, the harvesting, drying and storing of crops, and the gathering of flowers to be arranged and placed in the house – these observations seek to embody the gardener’s labors and to reveal the unseen stories of the gardens, and those who tend them.


Abutilon in the glasshouse


Flower arranging in the scullery


Nectarine in the glasshouse


Begonia in the glasshouse


Banana palms in the glasshouse


All images and text © Amanda Harman



See also:

A Fluid Landscape

Book By Amanda Harman