Written by Life Coach Carioca Da Gema


Adversity builds personality.  Some of us are strong minded, others cannot sell their way out of a paper bag.  Many of us look good and ready on the outside (reality unknown) while a few are happy to be alive after enduring an unthinkable ordeal.

The first time a bully gets in your face, you ran home to tell mommy in tears.

The first time your heart is broken, you think you are going to die.

The first time you get beat up in a fight you learn a lot.

The first time you work hard to earn your money, you experience satisfaction.

Sheltered individuals, navigate thru life without being able to build up skills that only experiences like these can bestow.

Suffering, adversity, rejection, failures, and other struggles build a stronger self, a self with the knowledge that firstlyI can handle this and lastly I will prevail regardless of the outcome”.



This article is part of the Rewind Series 



“I will not make you dependent on me.  My approach is to find alternative options under a circumstance and open new doors into a resolution of old problems. Clear the docket so you can see things from other angles as you absorb other possibilities. In time, after you had conquered your needs, you will be able to replace what does not work, accept what you cannot change, and accomplish what you want.”

Life Coach Carioca Da Gema


Copyright© Edge of Humanity LLC 2022


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Neutrality comes with the price of being disconnected. Society is composed of like-minded people; teal lovers search for bluish-green connections, and the burnt sienna worshipers choose to navigate a path that’s deep reddish brown. Embracing the color wheel will yield richer exposure and isolation.
There is no glory in neutrality.

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