Written by Life Coach Carioca Da Gema


What is the best way to engage when trying to get someone to buy what you are selling? Face to face interactions can be speedy and/or complicated, as one person is asking for something and the other is having the power of relinquishing or not.  With personalities taking the front seat you can quickly dismiss someone whose traits you do not like.  If the giver is at least intriguing the encounter will last longer giving the person asking more time to present their case or to crush it with a wrong word or attitude.

The best decision is always to be yourself which can prove disastrous for people with unpopular views.  But getting the deal you want is just the beginning, you may have to live with the result for a while, and your make believe face and words will eventually become exhausted.

It comes down to the aftermath, what happens after the deal. If you just sold your widget playing a cat lover’s part, it’s inconsequential to your life.  If you are asking another person to build a family with you or engaging in any kind of long term relationships you must be 100% of who you are. The giver will take it or leave it.



This article is part of the Rewind Series 



“I will not make you dependent on me.  My approach is to find alternative options under a circumstance and open new doors into a resolution of old problems. Clear the docket so you can see things from other angles as you absorb other possibilities. In time, after you had conquered your needs, you will be able to replace what does not work, accept what you cannot change, and accomplish what you want.”

Life Coach Carioca Da Gema


Copyright© Edge of Humanity LLC 2022


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Neutrality comes with the price of being disconnected. Society is composed of like-minded people; teal lovers search for bluish-green connections, and the burnt sienna worshipers choose to navigate a path that’s deep reddish brown. Embracing the color wheel will yield richer exposure and isolation.
There is no glory in neutrality.

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