Written by  Life Coach Carioca Da Gema


I remember watching ants moving the leaves from a tree across the patio floor.  We were vacationing at my father’s hometown in a rural area of Brazil.  I cannot recollect if there was electricity, but at night time the family would sit on the back patio and the children (I being one of them) entertained themselves by analyzing tiny ants moving around these large leaves.

“The circus is coming to town”. For centuries the circus was an annual event, the expectation for entertainment would bring people from the surrounding areas to see it, some first timers, others already part of the captive audience. People wish to be amused and experience another universe for a few hours.

The television was invented in 1927.  Color was added in 1950. Today, there are a multitude of devices, bringing you so much entertainment that it is humanly impossible to watch at all. But what happened with the content of what we see?

I’m a big fan of black and white movies, 9 out of 10 times; the acting is superb and the gowns are glorious.  The plots are simple and the experience tranquil.

There is plenty of violence in the movies and games today; it seems like blowing things up is no longer enough. Movies are tented with very well crafted apocalyptic scenes and anatomy classes. I do not get amused by dangling body parts.

Below is a quote from Marcus Aurelius, I read as “keep your box clean” by “box” I mean your brain.

“The happiness of your life depends upon the quality of your thoughts: therefore, guard accordingly, and take care that you entertain no notions unsuitable to virtue and reasonable nature.”–Marcus Aurelius

Years ago in one of the episodes of  ‘The Sopranos” (my last) a couple of the guys sat around and drank while chopping to piece one of their counterparts.

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