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Photographer Bart Urbanski is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this documentary photography.  From the project ‘BELONGING’.  To see Bart’s body of work, click on any photograph.



Quotes from the questionnaires for children
“Nie dzielę z nikim pokoju ale chciałabym dzielić pokój z Patrycją ponieważ pomaga mi w trudnych sytuacjach i bawimy się razem, śmiejemy się z kogoś lub z czegoś. Przyjaźnimy się od miesiąca.”
“I don’t share a room with anyone, but I would like to share a room with Patrycja because she helps me with difficult situations, we play and laugh together. We’ve been friends for a month now.”



Quotes from the questionnaires for children
“Czasem wspominam wyjście z domu dziecka i pobyt u rodziny zastępczej”
“Sometimes I recall leaving the orphanage and staying with the foster family”


This building was constructed in 1910 and has served its purpose as a stately home. It now exists as a children’s home for orphaned, abandoned, or neglected kids. The building acts as a “home” to these children for days, months, and sometimes years. Whether this imitation of a home ever, in reality, comes close to a place these children feel they belong seems a far-fetched fantasy. The issue of orphaned and neglected children is a difficult social problem, which has never been answered satisfactorily. Will a child without a home or a loving family ever flourish fully or feel like they belong anywhere during childhood? Complete strangers are given guardianship of such children overnight in buildings that are completely alien to them. The social care system is criticized worldwide, and cuts to this sector mean even less money and resources. This unfortunately equates to fewer people, care, and thought to be given to the upbringing of children on the outskirts of society. The care of a parent is nearly impossible to replicate, and it’s hard to say if the government can ever provide anything close to this for children in need.


Quotes from the questionnaires for children
“Gdy skończę szkołę chciałbym pracować”
“When I finish school, I would like to get a job”.


Quotes from the questionnaires for staff
“Codziennie błahe pytania dotyczące codzienności i pytania o przyszłość, zawód, marzenia, problemy szkolne bądź z kolegami itp.”
“The kids ask questions every day, both trivial about daily activities and serious about the future, jobs, dreams, school related issues, or interactions with friends and the like.”


The place in question is made up of grand hallways, a high-ceilinged dining area, and large, airy bedrooms—originally built to host members of high society. It now hosts fourteen displaced children. It is also the workplace of a small number of social work staff. The grandeur that, I believe, was once admired by its owner, his family, and guests is now shadowed by an impersonality, resulting from its current use. This house is held in low esteem by its inhabitants, and little love is lost over its structure and interior. Children from different homes and areas live here in single and shared bedrooms with few belongings to be observed. Although fed and provided for, will the sense of belonging and comfort of a real home ever be felt within these walls?


Quotes from the questionnaires for children
“Pokój dzielę z bratem. W wolnym czasie lubię słuchać muzyki, nie bawię się juz zabawkami.”
“I share a room with my brother. In my free time, I enjoy listening to music, I no longer play with toys.”


Quotes from the questionnaires for staff
“Ostatnio zmartwiła mnie sytuacja jednej z wychowanek, w szczególności brak wsparcia rodzinie przez GOPS”
“recently have been worried about a family situation of one of the girls, due to the lack of support from the Social Welfare Centre.”


I utilized a questionnaire for both children and staff, superposing the answers with images to include the personal views of both. I hoped to record a feeling from within the bounds of these grounds. I find the topic of displaced and orphaned children and whether the social care system is functioning well enough interesting. This project aimed to explore the feeling of belonging that a child gains from family and home. With my camera, I hoped to also look at the contrast of a beautifully constructed building with the emotions of its inhabitants. I hoped to capture these emotions through images of interiors and belongings present within this “home.”



 All images and text 2013 © Bart Urbanski




See also:

Polish Immigrants 

By Bart Urbanski


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