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Orgasm Via Robot | The Sex Toy Of Mass Destruction


Written by:

Carioca Da Gema


While so many people around the world are occupied with the issues of homosexuality and same-sex marriage, technology as always is sliding in another toy of mass destruction.

There was a time when one could not wait to finish their work day.  Stressed and horny he or she would rush under the sheets with a partner, and life goes on.

The accessibility to sex today resembles a quick trip to a drive thru window.  The personal effects of having unknown multiple partners can differ between catching dangerous diseases for some and self-esteem problems for others.

Machines have been an element of our love and desire for ages.  In America, the love for our vehicles is prevalent everywhere you look. The ‘Human Social Experiment’ of cell phones has brought the world’s population to its knees.

Coming soon, going back to the old days, one will be able to rush home to fulfill their innermost sexual fantasies with a willing participant that will never say no and obey one’s every command.  Sex toys have become a household staple for decades.  Robots are being paraded into our lives for more than a half of a century.  Does any old crow remember “Lost in Space”?

The combination of this level of intimacy, in the comfort of one’s home and the impunity that illusion provides can quickly transform a person’s way of thinking.  How long will ‘Gil’ a guy that goes home for his doll turned sex slave every night be able to problem solve in his daily routine?

We continuously turn our back to nature, ignoring being animals, depriving us of our primitive needs.  The heads of households are busy paying for toys, many never look up from their phones, you type your dinner in and sextext your mate. We as a society need social engagement, meaning people gather with people, eyes looking at eyes, mouths talking to ears, hands touching hands, and feeling the warmth.  Abandoning the mundane will place us in greater danger as a civilization than the regurgitated narratives we face every day.


Copyright© Edge of Humanity LLC 2019


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Carioca Da Gema






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