Documentary Photographer Dorothée Nowak  is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this social documentary photography.  From the project ‘Dom Polski’’.  To see Dorothée’s  body of work click on any image.


Czesława’s family
This photography was made while the family was in India in 1944.


Czesława went through India and Africa before arriving to Canada in 1948.


M. Kmita’s flowers
Insight of the Kmita’s household.


‘Dom Polski’ is a documentary project based on the Polish community of Montreal. Its goal is to question cultural identity, its origin, as well as its spatial mediation. It portrays how some Polish nationals experience their new cultural environments while preserving a strong commitment to their former customs. The men and women from ‘Dom Polski’ were all born in Poland and, most of them left their country because of wars or political reasons.

Surrounded by six countries, Poland has historically lived in the shadows of Germany and Russia. In Canada, most of the Polish came during few large immigration waves in the 20th century: from 1944 to 1956, 1957 to 1979 and the last one, from 1980 to 1993. The latest wave was caused by the severe economic and political crisis in Poland.

Thus, most of my subjects have maintained a strong sense of Polish-ness, and a deep connection to their home country by speaking their mother tongue at home, by keeping the Polish tradition alive and, by getting involve with the Polish community.


Jean-Paul II
A photography of the Polish Pope.


Kaya went to Greece and arrived in Canada in 1989.


Maria was in Siberia during WWII and was send to Uganda, Africa. Later on, she spent 6 years in England before immigrating to Canada in 1957.


Diatek’s radio
Old Polish Radio


Richard was a sailor and went all around the world. He decided to immigrate in Canada in 1951.


All images © Dorothée Nowak



See also:

People & Places

By Dorothée Nowak