Photographer Dana Matthews is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this documentary photography.   From her project ‘Robert Johnson House‘. To see Dana’s portfolios click on any image.


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Robert Johnson is a man who lives in the past which is his present. He is a dry stone setter by trade, building masterpieces in stone by selecting rocks from the fields near where he lives one at a time. He resides in the family home in which he was raised, an ambling old farmhouse in the rural village of Franklin, New York.  After the other family members moved on he stayed and started to assemble collections from the objects left behind. This has been a life long obsession and the collections still continue to grow. One by one, he finds the objects and assembles them into a cohesive whole, like the stone walls he meticulously builds. He invited me to document his collections. These photos represent the interior of his home. The photographs were made in Franklin, NY in 2006.


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See also:

One Farm, One Decade

By Dana Matthews