Photographer Majid Farahani is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this social documentary photography.  From his project ‘Ashura‘.  To see Majid’s portfolio click on any photograph.


According to one of the Shia faith throughout Iran, Shias mourn Imam Hussein’s martyrdom during the first ten days of Islamic month of Muharram.   Imam Hussein was a grandson of Prophet Mohammad.  The last two days are also special and are called “Tasua” and “Ashura”.


A young boy rolling in the bath of mud.


A woman who rolled in the bath of mud and mourns.


" for mourning and over there they beat their chest and head until the Muslim’s noon prayer of that day."


Before the morning prayers of Ashura, approximately at 4 a.m. soil and water are mixed and placed into ponds and wood is also burned. In the coldness of a winter early morning men go into the pond of mud and rub it all over their bodies and then stand in front of the fire until they dry.  About 8 a.m. almost after the morning prayers, they gather in small groups and go toward a place for mourning and over there they beat their chest and head until the Muslim’s noon prayer of that day.


A man carry wood to light fire for ritual.



Men at the very early morning after rolling in the mud.  They stand by the fire to get dry and soon start the mourning






People watching the mourners





Khorramabad, Lorestan, Iran


See also:

Passengers Of Light

By Majid Farahani