Artist and Photographer Nevzat Yıldırım/Albumen Gallery is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this photo essay.  From the book ‘After the Conflict’To seeAfter the Conflict online exhibition by Albumen Gallery click on any image.


Memory of Afghanistan
Takhar 2015


Orphan 2013
Sana’a, Yemen


Orphan 2015
Kabul, Afghanistan


Orphan Girls 2013
Sana’a, Yemen


During the last 10 years, worldwide around 10 million children are estimated to have been killed as a result of war and according to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) reports surviving children are the main victims of war, with many suffering mental stress that will last a lifetime.

Nevzat  Yildirim does not set  out to add to the genre catalogue of general war photography documenting and reporting from specific conflict zones. His pictures address a wider concern that transcends any specific geo-political theatres of war.

The poignant juxtaposition of children and wrecked abandoned tanks form a powerful J’Accuse – a visual protest reminding us that the lives of children are all too often accepted collateral damage of conflict.

This is what’s left behind after the conflict. Casually abandoned wrecked hardware and damaged dislocated children often torn from their families – their innocence robbed.  And yet, the photos also capture something else. Despite the destruction, chaos and disturbing experiences the children demonstrate a strength and positive energy in getting on with building a new life.


Orphan 2015
Badakhshan, Afghanistan


Orphans 2015
Takhar, Afghanistan


Orphans 2015
Takhar, Afghanistan


Orphans 2015
Takhar, Afghanistan


All images © 2013-2015 Nevzat Yıldırım Courtesy of Artist.



Book By Nevzat Yıldırım/Albumen Gallery



See also:

 Nevzat Yıldırım’s Portfolio