Photographer Sylvia Konior is the Edge of Humanity Magazine contributor of this photo essay.  From the project  ‘The dying breed of the housewife’.  To see Sylvia’s body of work, click on any image.






In this series the artist goes looking for her childhood. Then, the woman was at home and took care of the man and the family. These relationships have now become an exception. The artist thinks it is a shame; her mother and grandmother were always there for everyone in the family. There was always a smell of pastries and food in the house. You were never alone. Women then wore aprons in bright colors and floral patterns. Now many women go to work and roles have changed in only one generation of time. The artist staged situations of her childhood. If we wanted to eat chicken it had to be slaughtered, plumed and cleaned. It was time consuming. Now we go to the market and buy a chicken ready to eat.




Sunday was a day of rest and a family time. Parents walked together with the baby in the carriage. Now people are often childless and walk with the dog in the carriage. In the bedroom everything was dominated by God and the man. Now the woman has wishes and she is expressive. Sex toys have found their way between the sheets. In addition to this series from the past and present, portraits have been made of real housewives who still care for the husband and the family today. They still wear the colorful aprons. They were photographed in their own environment.




All images © Sylvia Konior



See also:

The Gray Army

By Sylvia Konior





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