Written by Phillip Woodruff



i saw two pixies on the downtown train

i’m sure they snuck on at the parker station

i’m sure they didn’t pay

so odd to see two pixies on the downtown train

in the middle of the day

one spoke the language of sunset

the other, riddles of sunrise

two imaginary critters caught red-handed been real in the middle of the day

one says “hey, play it cool”

the other says “yeah, act natural”

i saw two pixies wonder naked down city streets

buying apples


two pixies sitting on a park bench, shoulder to shoulder with the hippy in the middle

and the splendor of his spliff

and they babble and they blunder

he learns all their whistles and winks, the stuff they speak with their feet

learns how to raise baby birds in his beard

he learns a new sutra

becomes a buddha!

two pixies wander downtown after dark

two pixies in the park

one whirs and twirls in autumn gold, smacking the leaves as they fall from the trees

exploding, smack! Smack! Smack! rainbows of rust

the other plays fiddle


two pixies spotted fleeing the scene barefoot in dirty underwear

party favors and jumper cables

not a pretty picture

i saw two pixies beg for quarters by the candy store

i saw two pixies split a twinkie

two pixies, one with his head in the clouds, one with her feet in the gutter

so strange to see two pixies hotwire a downtown high-rise elevator

two pixies on the roof of the city posed like gargoyles calling all angels

“danger danger the strangers are here”

nothing but pixie tears

giggle and run wild

jumping in and out of each other’s shadow

i saw two pixies standing around downtown grooving old school punk tunes

one of them sings

“caribou… cari-boooooouuuuu…”

the other plays fiddle



Text © Phillip Woodruff




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