Masks are an element of folklore for many cultures.  They are crafted in many shapes, sizes and materials.  Masks are mainly used to stir away bad spirits.  Dancing masks are very popular and used during ceremonies.  These special masks are made for dancing so that the performer can see around them.  Dancing masks are also crafted lighter for this same reason. This intriguing mask was purchased in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.  The mask is built on a turtle shell.  It has a knife for a headdress.  Semi-precious stones in many sizes and shapes adorn this fantastic art piece.  Enjoy!

Full view of mask adorned with semi-precious stones and built on a turtle shell.
Full view of mask adorned with semi-precious stones and built on a turtle shell.
Full view of mask adorned with semi-precious stones and built on a turtle shell. This mask also has a knife hidden inside. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Full view of mask adorned with semi-precious stones and built on a turtle shell. This mask also has a knife hidden inside. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mask adorned with glass eye and animal hair. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mask adorned with glass eye and animal hair. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mask adorned with glass eye and animal hair. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mask adorned with glass eye and animal hair. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mask detail adorned animal hair and semi-precious stones. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mask detail adorned animal hair and semi-precious stones. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mask knife handle adorned with semi-precious stones. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
Mask knife handle adorned with semi-precious stones. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

See also:

Mask From Around The World #2



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