Written by:

Carioca Da Gema


During my school years, the calculator was an item of desire. It was the forbidden gadget, inside and outside of the classroom.  Like the other students with paper, pencil, and yes my brain, I labored over long math equations asking myself over and again. When am I going to ever use this?

It was not until I entered productive adult life that I realized that all that work with historical dates, math, and lets not forget chemistry and physics was about more than just numbers and grades.  It was an exercise for my brain, so in real life I can recognize a problem, learn how it happened and find a solution.

The calculator eventually became a daily tool when I realized that the old crows around me that never had access to the device, during or after their school years, were able to add so much quicker than I ever was.

Today, people pay homage to the Scrolling Down Gods, during the time they eat, have sex and even go to the bathroom. On average, many people feel the urge to see what’s going on every 15 minutes.  My first reaction is, does one get any work done? But the real danger here is the message it sends.

If I check my activities every 30 minutes, does that mean I’m less popular? That I have less going on in my life, than the social media queens and kings that surround me? Statistics such as this sets up a disastrous level of normality. Privacy and data collection concerns are a thing of the past. The Watchful Satan is now in the mind molding business.

We just finished swallowing outsourcing and down the road comes artificial intelligence and robots.  When asked how the men and women are going to be able to provide for their families with the technology advancements in the near future, The Watchful Satan responded that people would get paid to sit home and even have a bit extra for  short vacations.  Yeah right!  In America, people cannot agree on an affordable healthcare system that includes all of us, but as jobs get replaced by robots making pizzas and trucks that drive themselves, The Watchful Satan will pay the peasants to sit their ass at home.

When the essence of what is presented to us (humans with brains), have a goal to keep our minds under siege and strip away our worth one must  stop and think.

Our attention is in high demand, a very valuable commodity in the years to come, but for The Watchful Satan the access to redesign our minds comes free.


Copyright© Edge of Humanity LLC 2019




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Neutrality comes with the price of being disconnected. Society is composed of like-minded people; teal lovers search for bluish-green connections, and the burnt sienna worshippers choose to navigate a path that’s deep reddish brown. Embracing the color wheel will yield richer exposure and isolation.
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Carioca Da Gema