Written by Ari Bouse


Everyone has a right to be happy.

These above words of wisdom landed on an authentic conversation between a coworker and I recently. Social emotional learning conversations like these between peers can be really supportive and healing in the school of life.

Life transition can be an interesting intersection between grieving the death of our old self and the rebirth of a new chapter. In my case, going through the uncoupling process with my partner of nearly 30 years clearly represents an ending.

And then mixed with a budding new relationship has been quite a ride to say the least. Truly, there has been a Tsunami of tidal waves to surf, which has been a testament to my daily mindful meditation practice.

In much the same way as the Chinese Yin and Yang symbol, the Universe gives us the choice to see the obstacles that reveal themselves on our paths as either a crisis or an opportunity. They are both and it is how we move with their energies that counts.

Some old relationships evolve into a renewed sense of connectivity, while others fade into the backdrop because it’s just a natural time for them to die. It depends on what we are in alignment with or not.

There is always a little bit of dark in the light and a little bit of light in the dark. Meditation on the fluidity and interplay between these energies frees up consciousness. From this perch, we can perceive this perspective as a form of security within life’s transience, if only we allow for it.

The shifting shorelines of the changing seasons are like that, like how Winter is waning as Spring is arriving, in the Northern Hemisphere at least. In the Southern Hemisphere, Summer is waning, while Fall is arriving. The equinoxes reflect balance between masculine and feminine energies in Nature. Humanity is part of that.

The other day, a Hawk swooped down and rode along the top of my car; dangerously close to hitting my windshield. Hawk’s energies have particularly powerful connections to New Moons, and the Spring and Fall Equinoxes. The New Moon will be on March 10th, which will also mark Daylight Savings Time. The Spring and Fall Equinoxes will be on March 19th. Meditate on the mantra, out with the old, in with the new.

New Moons always reflect new beginnings.

What new beginnings are showing up in the mirror of your mind?

Hawk’s energies have connections to Mercury and can be viewed as messengers of the gods. Meditation is about paying purposeful attention to the signals revealed to us in our inner and outer worlds.

Everyday magic gives us the power to overcome life’s obstacles. Face them with awareness so that we can discuss our truths.

The Universe sends us signs and synchronicities for us to notice and light our way. New beginnings are on the horizon. May we look upon them with gentle and mindful, yet open-hearted gazes.

May Hawk guide your spirit as close to the light of Grandfather Sun without getting scorched.

Hawk is symbolic, and based on the timing, a synchronicity from the universe, to help guide pathways and brighten the new beginnings of starting over.

Meditation on the mantra that everyone has the right to be happy, invites us to embrace mindfulness, be open to new beginnings or starting over, and finding meaning in both the light and dark.

Take care of yourselves everyone,



Text © Ari Bouse




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