Written by Life Coach Carioca Da Gema


The problems we have in life shape the person we became.  People with a small amount of issues tend to be easy going and happier as they never had to deal with adversity and hardship.  The folks that struggle frequently tend to be harder, and more difficult to get to.

The size matters.

Large visible problems usually have many hands, multiple minds causing it, more heads will help to fix it.  When the mess is visible and talked about it eventually finds the way out, or in blending into our lives and causing less havoc.

Beware of the tiny problems; the ones too small to bring to surface living only in our heads.  The daily irritations and unpleasantries that no one else knows about, those are the issues that will make the life of the afflicted and the others around completely miserable.


Copyright© Edge of Humanity LLC 2021


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Neutrality comes with the price of being disconnected. Society is composed of like-minded people; teal lovers search for bluish-green connections, and the burnt sienna worshippers choose to navigate a path that’s deep reddish brown. Embracing the color wheel will yield richer exposure and isolation.
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