Written by Life Coach Carioca Da Gema


Most aspects of our lives can and will continue to be learned from a book or other forms of transferring information available via the written word.

Is that enough to have understanding over what we learned?

Knowledge is necessary, but in life to fully grasp the meaning of certain events one must go through it. This deeper level of knowledge is usually not sought after; we just end up falling right into, and when we walk away from it,  these lessons are life changing.

One can read about loss, about being in a war, or about succeeding at something playing only with the pieces given by one’s present knowledge. Experiences like these will change an individual, making it possible to understand the pain and the pleasure of self and others.

The written word will not drive us to full comprehension, but will fill in the gaps as we navigate through life’s peaks and valleys and grow as individuals; and nowadays share all with everyone else.

God Save The Books.


Copyright© Edge of Humanity LLC 2021


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Neutrality comes with the price of being disconnected. Society is composed of like-minded people; teal lovers search for bluish-green connections, and the burnt sienna worshippers choose to navigate a path that’s deep reddish brown. Embracing the color wheel will yield richer exposure and isolation.
There is no glory in neutrality.
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